Roger & Kathy / Bill & Heidi riding BMW's (1 x R1200GSA and 3 x R1200GS)

12,287 miles

Download the GPS Track GoogleEarth file



The route, 12,000 miles.

GPS Track, a few deviations from the route, but close

On the way to Cincinnati

All dogs must be petted! (it's the law).

"The Hat' puts in the first appearance

Back down to Alabama after the Cincinnati detour, "The Hat" at Barber Motorcycle Museum

The bike I am supposed to buy for Kathy (did hell freeze over yet??)

If you like bikes, you need to visit the Barber Museum

After arriving at the BMWOA Rally at Gillette WY - the skies look a bit ominous

"The Hat" at the Beemer Saloon

Kathy & Heidi getting into trouble (again)


On the way to Yellowstone

Yellowstone Snow

These guys stand wherever they feel like

Exiting Yellowstone


Arriving at Chateau Lake Louise

The view from our room

Another view from our room

A quick walk around the lake

Falls visited during ATV ride

"The Hat" about to go zip lining

Back at Lake Louise

Lake Louise

Filling up on the way to Laird Hot Springs

Wildlife along the Alaska Highway


"The Dempster"

Eagle Plains - half way up the Dempster

Mud??? - and then some.

At the Arctic Circle on the Dempster

Arrived at Inuvik - in the rain

The igloo church at Inuvik

A quick flight and we are at Tuktoyaktuk



Visiting the "community freezer" in Tuk.

30 feet down in the permafrost

Permafrost (mud and ice) up close


The marker at Tuk for the end of the Trans Canada Trail


Taking a dip in the arctic ocean

Trying on Eskimo Parkers

A polar bear getting to know "the hat" in Inuvik

On the way back to Eagle Plains

Just what you expect to see above the Arctic Circle - a solar powered car (

Flowers along the Dempster

The Dempster after rain - a little slippery

Dawson city - complete with dirt roads

Some local Dawson City residents out for a stroll

After a quick trip across Canada, we arrive in Ottawa at Mobility Labs

Our hosts at Mobility Labs

"The Hat" puts in an appearance
